Similar words: balanced, in advance of, glance, parlance, surveillance, a piece of, in place of, take notice of.

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61. These groupings within the general community of women need special attention to redress the balance of lack of opportunity.
62. The process of economic development was accompanied by a balance of power between the crown and the landed nobility.
63. Case said these seemingly contradictory deals were simple exercises in economic balance of power.
64. It suddenly seems as peculiar a notion as the balance of one's mind.
65. The purpose of the referendum was to change the balance of power between the executive and the legislature.
66. The balance of trade with the Soviet Union is to be paid in dollars, though loans are promised to cover that.
67. A decision is made only on the balance of probabilities.
68. She has upset the natural balance of the world, including the ecology of Earth and Heaven.
69. By so doing they have sought to protect domestic employment, the balance of payments and so forth.
70. It is interesting to ask whether the fine balance of acquiescence and participation has survived into a very different era.
71. Perhaps remorse at having joined it had tipped the balance of Fred's mind.
72. In geological materials, luminescence is commonly controlled by the balance of activator and quencher centres.
73. Any discovery which later may threaten it is rejected by one's mental defences and could upset the balance of the mind.
74. You let yourself feel the truth and the balance of that disputation.
75. But despite their endorsement in the municipal elections last October, it is not the moderates who hold the balance of power.
76. I try to visualize the balance of my own mind.
77. You must find the right balance of specificity and practicality between the two extremes.
78. This shifts the balance of power towards leasing companies and vehicle hire groups.
79. The balance of Maxwell's group was rather different, with origins in printing and in magazine and trade publishing.
80. The dexterity and nimble balance of elite fencers can boggle the mind.
81. A record balance of payments deficit is not the right background for enforced increases in industrial costs.
82. During the general election the doggie vote could hold the balance of power.
83. His seat is safe but high hopes of Liberal Democrats holding the balance of power in a new administration have already faded.
84. It has also been argued that changes in patterns of work may alter the balance of domestic work.
85. Total growth also includes the balance of immigration and emigration.
86. Good proposal writing is a delicate balance of presenting your intentions in dealing with your research problem.
87. Subsequently the auctioneers sued the purchaser for the outstanding balance of the price.
88. Tell the office that a way must be found to pay the balance of slightly less than £10,[]000.
89. This created a more active market in foreign exchange and facilitated the use of the US$ for financing balance of payments purposes.
90. She did not doubt what it would be: suicide while the balance of Liza's mind was disturbed.
More similar words: balanced, in advance of, glance, parlance, surveillance, a piece of, in place of, take notice of, take the place of, cancel, cancer, chance, dancer, stance, enhance, romance, finance, alliance, penance, distance, entrance, advanced, pittance, instance, substance, guidance, by chance, ancestor, arrogance, insurance.